Port of Vale - Iced Coffee- How To Make

How to Make at Home Delicious Iced Coffee

Try once, and we’re certain you won’t regret. This iced coffee features “jaggery” a type of sweet sugar derived from what is most probably a type of palm tree. While there are many types of palm trees, this specialty ingredient that you must obtain is actually derived from the “kithul” tree. Unique in it’s taste and flavour, the kithul jaggery infuses a taste in your iced coffee that is so tantalizingly delicious that we could almost promise you that it’s a winner.

To make this iced coffee is very simple indeed. Just add a spoon of the flavour rich Port of Vale coffee to your vessel/mug, and pour a cup of boiling water in.

Now leave to cook at room temperature for roughly 3 to 5 minutes.

Once done, filter out the used coffee grounds, and refrigerate until cold.

When cold, add 3/4ths (three fourths) of a cup of cold milk.

Melt the kithul jaggery on over the fire until it runs liquid. Do not refrigerate; Once the kithul jaggery cools down to room temperature, grab a seat, and your iced coffee, and add the kithul jaggery syrup to your cup of iced coffee.

Stir well until well blended, and serve cold in a glass with ice cubes if you wish, and a straw.

And enjoy.

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